Tuesday, October 11, 2005



Six and a half years are gone since I presented The Gathering before Arthur.
And He presented the Beast.

The first sound that came was then called in his hands as Theli. Astonishing.
But the first time in my hands was named under the sign of A'arab Zaraq Lucid Dreaming.
Why was then this considered as a happening?

Pumpkin Seeds 07-05-05.
A'arab Zaraq [11] & [17]

When I opened my eyes to the vision of that precisely be my path, it was wicked. But when that path grew a voice, was thoroughly wëird.

Since then, the words of the beast were a statement to request for.
Would there be another sign for a path more clear than to wait for the time to cast into the eyes of the Dark Fairy the words of Here Come the Tears while you Fly to the rainbow?
umf 10:47 PM


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