Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Kleine Hexen

Who ever said you can’t smell in dreams?

I swear I smelled her as she came close to me. Then listened to her steps, then her voice, then saw her. Her hair, her eyes and lips, her torso with discrete breasts, and the steps of her hips. She called me by name, not sobriquet. And so I went and saluted her. Kissed her lips but didn’t touched them, neither did I closed my eyes. I knew I could be jinxed.
- Kleine Hexen.
- What did you just said?
Hoping she didn’t listened or if so, that she didn’t remembers
- Humm, nothing at all.
- It’s good to talk you back.
- Indeed, I’m glad also.
- Ok then, go for your car and I’ll wait for you out there.
- Ok, then.

Went running to find my car, but as always I found some other people in my way and got distracted talking. The moment I lit a cigarette, the thought came.
– A cigarette, now everything’s fucked! –
Continued talking with that tall guy I’d never seen before.
- Ur omnith ailehi aurghogen?
- Num hir sagtart umf graohen.
- Nidhegg u Jormundgand?
- Ahehehehehhehehe! Volbeldre frut o Ambulger Excoelis umf rasertri, sunt mern-la.
And then the thought came back again.
– Is that the importance you ought to give her? –

- Ho dolon ho!
- Ho dolon ho!
And came into my car. Drove with all the guilty feeling of having wasted my time. Nevertheless, when I was up to drive through the college exit, I turn round and went to park again, but in other place far away. After parking I found her again. I got outside my car, ducking, hiding from a far away sight. Her sight. I could see her afar waiting for me, and ALSO she was there with me, helping me hide from her. Even she invited me a cigarette. I don’t know why, this was really important for me at that time. And, obviously, I accepted.
- So, what are you doing ‘round here?
- Trying to find my time.
- Oh! You keep losing it, won’t you ever change?
- No. It’s hard for me to change, I still like and miss you.

Her eyes inside my eyes. The jinx. And then…
Mi mama quita las cobijas.
– Levántate, tienes que lavar tu ropa.
– No. No quiero.
– No seas huevón!
– No es hueva. Sueño.
– Cómo no vas a tener sueño si te duermes a las siete?
– Sueño. [Dream, after a fashion, good dreaming]

I could count seven blankets. They all were floating around me. And she helped me thrust them to her other instance afar. She told me how to launch them so I could trap her and kiss her properly with no risk of hoax.
Suena el teléfono y bajo corriendo.
- Si, ya voy. Me acabo casi de dormir, pero bueno.
- Gud bai
- Bye. See ya soon. Ahehehe!!
- Ho Dolon Ho!!
- Juat?
- Yost güeik op, nau!!

umf 12:30 PM


Blogger [(o_))] Seeded...

Así es, se dice que no se puede oler durante los sueños, algo que pudiera haber pasado es que al estar clavado en tu sueño hubieras emanado algún recuerdo y activado esa zona de la corteza cerebral donde se almacenan los recuerdos de los olores que has percibido, de tal manera que tendrías la ilusión sensorial de oler algo, aunque en realidad no era así. pero también se dice, que durante los viajes astrales sí puedes percibir los olores, incluso los sabores, además después de tener un viaje astral resultas estar en una posición de cansancio extremo pues el viaje consume mucha de tu energía... eso podría explicar tu cansancio y sueño al ser despertado... pero también lo hace la desvelada... y tu sueño clavado se podría relacionar con la fase del ciclo REM donde estás en un "sueño profundo" es la típica fase del sueño en donde tu subconcsiente crea una fantasía o historia que normalmente casi nadie recuerda, excepto cuando te despiertan a la mitad... así que llegamos al punto de donde partimos: "se dice que no se puede oler durante los sueños..." pero... a quién le importa no?

1:20 AM  
Blogger cesarsimon Seeded...


8:44 AM  

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