Saturday, September 02, 2006


[Maybe we could talk...]
>... why then, are you here?<
[No, not now...]
[This is gonna hurt!]
[No. 'em both!]
>Take Care...<
[...FROM US!!!]
[Don't say, just smile]
[Love her?]
[Smile, then]
[I'm fuckin fed up!!]
[Sick and tired...]
[Got to hurt 'im!!]
[Not worthy.]
[Then her...]
[Got to make something!!!]
[Him is Pride]
[Silly Pride]
[Fucking Pride!]
[Cut it loose, then]
[... or Won't?]
[Come again?!]

[What to do?]
[No more tears.]
[No more shouts.]

[Then, release IT upon 'em!!]
[You promised!!!]
[How many more to be broken?]
[Just keep the word.]
[We're Heroes]
[Heroes don't Revenge]
[...Defeated hero]
[A TRUE Hero]
[... accepts defeat]
[... won't kill.]
[We shan't release...]
[That's it]
[Swallow, then?]
[After a fashion... indeed]
umf 6:10 AM


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